本帖最后由 FCMao 于 2017-1-5 22:04 编辑
文献的方法中提到两个概念1. DNA指数 2. 胞浆免疫球蛋白指数(CIg),文中描述如下:
To quantitate the cellular DNA content, DNA index (DI) was determined and calculated as the ratio of the mean for each lightchain-
positive G0/1 DNA peak divided by the mean of the lightchain- negative diploid G0/1 peak on the X axis. A DI between 0.99 and 1.01 was referred to as diploid, while hyperdiploid implied DI>1.01 and hypodiploid DI<0.99. The excess of kappa- or lambda-positive cells identified the involved or light-chainrestricted (LCR) cell population, the percentage of which was calculated in relation to the total number of gated events. Among the LCR cell population, discrete populations of cells with different DI were identified, which we refer to from here on as DNA stem lines. The involved DNA stem line with the highest percentage was considered dominant.
To quantitate the cytoplasmic immunoglobulin content of a light-chain-positive population, the cytoplasmic immunoglobulin index (CIg) was used and calculated from the ratio of the geometric mean of the Y axis (cytoplasmic immunoglobulin fluorescence intensity) for the light-chainpositive
G0/1 peak divided by the Y axis geometric mean of the light-chain-negative diploid G0/1 population. The CIg of each distinct DNA stem line was calculated as explained above.
因为没做过类似分析,我有些不明白,1. DNA指数是指轻链阳性G0/G1峰的平均荧光强度与轻链阴性性G0/G1峰的平均荧光强度的比值,CIg指数和DNA指数有啥区别?CIg指数的计算不是很明白。
2. DNA stem line这部分不明白。
3. 平均荧光强度只是个相对值,如果想对胞浆免疫球蛋白重链或轻链定量,是不可以的吧?比如我想分析病人不同时期IgG/IgA的含量变化,流式是不能解决的吧?