楼主 |
发表于 2013-2-27 11:24:13
兔子赵 发表于 2013-2-26 11:22
十分建议不要配。如果想做分选,省下的钱送外面 ...
Bay bioscience Co., Ltd.的Jeff Harvey提到这么一句,我觉得很客观,就是FACSCalibur的sorting目前主要是用于验证性分选,就是分选出几百个细胞,涂片染色验证你这类细胞的性质。用处不同,所以不能将它与真正分选用途的流式细胞仪进行对比。原文如下:
I agree about the FACSCalibur sorting option, having worked at BD while it
was developed. It never really was completely finished and was intended
primarily for "verification sorting," i.e., sorting a few hundred cells
that would then be stained on a slide following a cytospin prep.