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CD名称 表达该抗原的常见细胞 分子量 功能 别名 相关CD
CD1a,b,c,d 皮层胸腺细胞,郎罕氏细胞,树突状细胞,B细胞(CD1c),小肠上皮细胞,平滑肌细胞,血管(CD1d) 43-49 类似MHC I类分子,与b2-微球蛋白有关,可能在脂质抗原的递呈上有着特殊作用。   Ig superfamily (IgSF)
CD2 T细胞,胸腺细胞, NK细胞 45-58 粘附分子,连接CD58 (LFA-3).连接胞内的Lck并活化T细胞 T11, LFA-2 IgSF
CD2R 活化的T细胞 45-58 activation-dependent conformational form of CD2 T11-3 IgSF
CD3 Thymocytes, T cells Multiple chains。Gamma:25-28;delta:20;epsilon:20;zeta:16;nu:22 Associated with the T cell antigen receptor. Required for cell surface expression of and signal transduction by TCR. Cytoplasmic domains contain ITAM motifs and bind cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases. T3 IgSF (gde);z/h related to FcR g chain
CD4 Thymocyte subsets, helper and inflammatory T cells (about two thirds of peripheral T cells), monocytes, macrophages 55 Coreceptor for MHC class II molecules. Binds Lck on cytoplasmic face of membrane. Receptor for HIV-I and HIV-2 gp120.
MHC II类分子的协同受体
T4, L3T4 IgSF
CD5 Thymocytes, T cells, subset of B cells 67 Binds to CD72 T1, Ly1 Scavenger receptor
CD6 Thymocytes, T cells, B cell CLL 100-130 unknown. T12 Scavenger receptor
CD7 Pluripotential hematopoietic cells, thymocytes, T cells 40 unknown, cytoplasmic domain binds PI-3 kinase on crosslinking. Marker for T cell ALL and pluripotential stem cell leukemias   IgSF
CD8 Thymocyte subsets, cytotoxic T cells (about one third of peripheral T cells) a: 32-34 b: 32-34 Coreceptor for MHC class I molecules. Binds lck on cytoplasmic face of membrane T8, Lyt2,3 IgSF
CD9 Pre-B cells, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, platelets, activated T cells, brain and peripheral nerves, vascular smooth muscle 24 mediates platelet aggregation and activation via FcgRIIa, may play a role in cell migration   Transmembrane 4 superfamily
CD10 B and T cell precursors, bone marrow stromal cells 100 zinc metalloproteinase, marker for pre B ALL Neutral endopeptidase, Common Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Antigen (CALLA)  
CD11a lymphocytes, granulocytes, monocytes and macrophages 180 aL subunit of integrin LFA-1 (associated with CD18) ; binds to CD54 (ICAM-1), ICAM-2 and ICAM-3 LFA-1 integrin a
CD11b myeloid and natural killer cells 170 aM subunit of integrin CR3 (associated with CD18) ; binds CD54, complement component iC3b and extracellular matrix proteins Mac-1 integrin a
CD11c myeloid cells 150 aX subunit of integrin CR4 (associated with CD18) ; binds fibrinogen CR4, p150, 95 integrin a
CDw12 monocytes, granulocytes, platelets 90-120 unknown    
CD13 myelomonocytic cells 150-170 zinc metalloproteinase aminopeptidase N  
CD14 myelomonocytic cells 53-55 receptor for complex of LPS and LPS binding protein (LBP)    
CD15 neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes   branched pentasaccharide, expressed on glycolipids and many cell surface glycoproteins; the sialylated form is a ligand for CD62E (ELAM) Lewsi-x (Lex)  
CD16a neutrophils, NK cells, macrophages two forms, one PI-linked, one with transmembrane anchor peptide 50-80 component of low affinity Fc receptor, FcgRIII, mediates phagocytosis, cytokine production and ADCC. FcgRIII IgSF
CDw17 neutrophils, monocytes, platelets   lactosyl ceramide, a cell surface glycosphingolipid    
CD18 Leukocytes 95 integrin b2 subunit, associates with CD11a,b and c.   integrin b
CD19 B cells, follicular dendritic cells 95 forms complex with CD21 (CR2)and CD81 (TAPA-1); coreceptor for B cells - cytoplasmic domain binds cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases and PI-3 kinase.   IgSF
CD20 B cells 33-37 Oligomers of CD20 may form a Ca2+ channel; possible role in regulating B cell activation   Transmembrane 4 superfamily
CD21 mature B cells, FDC 145 receptor for complement component C3d, EBV. With CD19 and CD81 forms coreceptor for B cells CR2 complement control protein (CCP) superfamily
CD22 mature B cells a: 130;b: 140 Adhesion of B cells to monocytes, T cells BL-CAM IgSF
CD23 mature B cells, activated macrophages, eosinophils, follicular dendritic cells, platelets 45 low affinity receptor for IgE, regulates IgE synthesis; ligand for CD19:CD21:CD81 coreceptor FceRII C-type lectin
CD24 B cells, granulocytes 35-45 unknown possible human homologue of mouse Heat Stable Antigen (HSA) or J11d.  
CD25 activated T cells, B cells, monocytes a:55;b:75 IL-2 receptor Tac a:CCP;b: cytokine receptor superfamily
CD26 Activated B and T cells, macrophages 110 Exopeptidase, cleaves N terminal X-Pro or X-Ala dipeptides from polypeptides. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV type II transmembrane glycoprotein
CD27 Medullary thymocytes, T cells, NK cells and some B cells 55 binds CD70; can function as a costimulator for T and B cells   TNF receptor superfamily
CD28 T cell subsets, activated B cells 44 Activation of naive T cells, receptor for costimulatory signal (signal 2) binds CD80 (B7-1) and B7-2 Tp44 IgSF
CD29 Leukocytes 130 Integrin b1 subunit, associates with CD49a in VLA-1 integrin    
CD30 Activated T, B and NK cells, monocytes 120 Binds CD30L; crosslinking CD30 enhances proliferation of B and T cells Ki-1 TNF receptor superfamily
CD31 monocytes, platelets, granulocytes, T cell subsets, endothelial cells 130-140 Adhesion molecule, mediating both leukocyte/endothelial and endothelial/endothelial interactions PECAM-1 IgSF
CDw32 Monocytes, granulocytes, B cells eosinophils 40 low affinity Fc receptor for aggregated Ig/immune complexes FcgRII IgSF
CD33 myeloid progenitor cells, monocytes 67 unknown   IgSF
CD34 hematopoietic precursors, capillary endothelium 105-120 Ligand for CD62 (L-selectin)    
CD35 Erythrocytes, B cells, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, FDC 250 Complement receptor 1, binds C3B and C4b, mediates phagocytosis CR1 CCP superfamily
CD36 platelets, monocytes, endothelial cells 88 platelet adhesion molecule; involved in recognition and phagocytosis of apoptosed cells platelet GPIV, GPIIIb  
CD37 mature B cells, mature T cells, myeloid cells 40-52 unknown, may be involved in signal transduction; forms complexes with CD53, CD81, CD82 and MHC class II.   Transmembrane 4 superfamily
CD38 early B and T cells, activated T cells, germinal centre B cells, plasma cells 45 NAD glycohydrolase, augments B cell proliferation T10  
CD39 activated B cells, activated NK cells, macrophages, dendritic cells 78 unknown, may mediate adhesion of B cells    
CD40 B cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, basal epithelial cells 48 binds CD40L ; receptor for costimulatory signal for B cells, promotes growth, differentiation and isotype switching of B cells, cytokine production by macrophages and dendritic cells   NGF receptor superfamily
CD41 platelets, megakaryocytes dimer:GPIIba: 125;GPIIbb: 22 aIIb integrin, associates with CD61 to form GPIIb, binds fibrinogen, fibronectin, von Willebrand factor and thrombospondin GPIIb integrin a
CD42a,b,c,d platelets, megakaryocytes complex of four polypeptides。A: 22;b: 135, 23;C: 22;d: 85 binds von Willebrand factor, thrombin; essential for platelet adhesion at sites of injury a: GPIX;b: GPIba;C: GPIbb;d: GPV Leucine rich repeat
CD43 leukocytes, except resting B cells 115-135 (neutrophils);95-115 (T cells) binds CD54 (ICAM-1) has extended structure, approx 45nm long and may be anti-adhesive leukosialin, sialophorin mucin
CD44 leukocytes, erythrocytes 80-95 binds hyaluronic acid, mediates adhesion of leukocytes Hermes antigen, Pgp-1 Link
CD45 all hematopoietic cells 180-240 (multiple isoforms) tyrosine phosphatase, augments signalling through antigen receptor of B and T cells, multiple isoforms result from alternative splicing (see below) Leukocyte common antigen (LCA), T200, B220 Fibronectin type III
CD45RO T cell subsets, B cell subsets, monocytes, macrophages 180 isoform of CD45 containing none of the A, B and C exons   Fibronectin type III
CD45RA B cells, T cell subsets (naive T cells) monocytes 205-220 isoforms of CD45 containing the A exon   Fibronectin type III
CD45RB T cell subsets, B cells, monocytes, macrophages, granulocytes 190-220 isoforms of CD45 containing the B exon T200 Fibronectin type III
CD46 hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic nucleated cells 56/66 (splice variants) membrane cofactor protein, binds to C3b and C4b to permit their degradation by Factor I MCP CCP superfamily
CD47 all cells 47-52 unknown, associated with Rh blood group    
CD48 leukocytes 40-47 unknown Blast-1 IgSF
CD49a activated T cells, monocytes, neuronal cells, smooth muscle 200 a1 integrin, associates with CD29, binds collagen, laminin-1 VLA-1 integrin a
CD49b B cells, monocyte, platelets, megakaryocytes, neuronal, epithelial and endothelial cells, osteoclasts 160 a2 integrin, associates with CD29, binds collagen, laminin VLA-2, platelet GPIa integrin a
CD49c B cells, many adherent cells 125,30dimer a3 integrin, associates with CD29, bindslaminin-5, fibronectin, collagen, entactin, invasin VLA-3 integrin a
CD49d Broad distribution includes B cells, thymocytes, monocytes, granulocytes, dendritic cells 150 a4 integrin, associates with CD29, binds fibronectin, MadCAM-1, VCAM-1 VLA-4 integrin a
CD49e Broad distribution includes memory T cells, monocytes, platelets 135, 25 dimer a5 integrin, associates with CD29, binds fibronectin, invasin VLA-5 integrin a
CD49f T lymphocytes, monocytes, platelets, megakaryocyes, trophoblast 125, 25 dimer a6integrin, associates with CD29, binds laminins, invasin, merosin VLA-6 integrin a
CD50 thymocytes, T cells, B cells,monocytes, granulocytes 130 Binds integrin CD11a/CD18 ICAM-3 IgSF
CD51 platelets, megakaryocytes 125,24 dimer av integrin, associates with CD61, binds vitronectin, von Willebrand factor, fibrinogen and thrombospondin; may be receptor for apoptotic cells vitronectin receptor integrin a
CD52 thymocytes, T cells, B cells (not plasma cells), monocytes, granulocytes, spermatozoa apparent MW is 25-29 by SDS gel electrophoresis; true MW is 8-9 unknown, target for antibodies used therapeutically to deplete T cells from bone marrow CAMPATH-1 HE5  
CD53 leukocytes 35-42 unknown MRC OX44 Transmembrane 4 superfamily
CD54 hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells 75-115 InterCellular Adhesion Molecule, (ICAM)-1 binds CD11a/CD18 (LFA-1) and CD11b/CD18 (Mac-1) integrins, receptor for rhinovirus ICAM-1 IgSF
CD55 hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells 60-70 Decay Accelerating Factor (DAF), binds C3b, disassembles C3/C5 convertase DAF CCP superfamily
CD56 NK cells 135-220 isoform of Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (NCAM), adhesion molecule NKH-1 IgSF
CD57 NK cells subsets of T cells, B cells and monocytes   oligosaccharide, found on many cell surface glycoproteins HNK-1, Leu-7  
CD58 hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells 55-70 Leukocyte Function-associated Antigen-3 (LFA-3), binds CD2, adhesion molecule LFA-3 IgSF
CD59 hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells 19 binds comlement components C8 and C9, blocks assembly of membrane attack complex Protectin, Mac inhibitor  
CDw60 T cell subsets, platelets, monocytes   9-O-acetylated disialoyl group present on gangliosides, predominantly ganglioside D3    
CD61 platelets, megakaryocytes, macrophages 110 integrin b3 subunit, associates with CD41 (GPIIb/IIIa) or CD51 (vitronectin receptor)   integrin b
CD62E endothelium 140 endothelium leukocyte adhesion molecule (ELAM), bindssialyl-Lewis x, mediates rolling interaction of neutrophils on endothelium ELAM-1, E-selectin C type lectin, EGF and CCP superfamily
CD62L B cells, T cells, monocytes, NK cells 150 leukocyte adhesion molecule (LAM), binds CD34, GlyCAM, mediates rolling interactions with endothelium LAM-1, L-selectin, LECAM-1 C type lectin EGF and CCP superfamily
CD62P platelets, megakaryocytes, endothelium 140 adhesion molecule, binds PSGL-1, mediates interaction of platelets with endothelial cells, monocytes and rolling interaction of leukocytes on endothelium P-selectin, PADGEM C type lectin EGF and CCP superfamily
CD63 activated platelets, monocytes, macrophages 53 unknown, is lysosomal membrane protein translocated to cell surface after activation platelet activation antigen Transmembrane 4 superfamily
CD64 monocytes, macrophages 72 high affinity receptor for IgG, binds IgG3>IgG1>IgG4>>>IgG2, mediates phagocytosis, antigen capture, ADCC FcgRI IgSF
CD65 myeloid cells   oligosaccharide component of a ceramide dodecasaccharide    
CD66a neutrophils 160-180 unknown, member of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) family (see below) biliary glycoprotein-1 (BGP-1) IgSF
CD66b granulocytes 95-100 unknown, member of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) family previously CD67 IgSF
CD66c neutrophils, colon carcinoma 90 unknown, member of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) family Nonspecific Crossreacting Antigen (NCA) IgSF
CD66d neutrophils 30 unknown, member of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) family   IgSF
CD66e,CD66f adult colon epithelium, colon carcinoma 180-200 unknown, member of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) family CarcinoEmbryonic Antigen (CEA) IgSF
CD68 monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, basophils, large lymphocytes 110 unknown macrosialin  
CD69 activated B cells, activated T cells, activated macrophages, activated NK cells 28, 32 homodimer unknown, early activation antigen Activation Inducer Molecule (AIM) C-type lectin
CD70 activated B cells, activated T cells, macrophages 75,95,170 Ligand for CD27, may function in co-stimulation of B and T cells Ki-24 TNF-like
CD71 All proliferating cells, hence activated leukocytes 95 homodimer transferrin receptor T9  
CD72 B cells (not plasma cells) 42 homodimer unknown, ligand for CD5 Lyb-2 C type lectin
CD73 B cell subsets, T cell subsets 69 ecto-5?-nucleotidase, dephosphorylates nucleotides to allow nucleoside uptake    
CD74 B cells, macrophages, monocytes, MHC class II positive cells 33,35,41,43 (alternate initiation and splicing) MHC class II associated Invariant chain Ii, Ig  
CD75 mature B cells, T cell subsets   sialoglycan moiety, ligand for CD22, mediates B cell/B cell adhesion    
CD76 mature B cells, T cell subsets   a 2,6 sialylated polylactosamine expressed on glycosphingolilpids and glycoproteins    
CD77 germinal center B cells   Neutral glycosphingolipid (Gala1?4Galb1?4Glcb1?ceramide), binds Shiga toxin, Crosslinking induces apoptosis Globotriaocylceramide (Gb3), Pk blood group  
Cdw78 B cells   unknown Ba  
CD79a,b B cells a: 40-45 b: 37 components of B cell antigen receptor analogous to CD3, required for cell surface expression and signal transduction Iga, Igb IgSF
CD80 B cell subset 60 costimulator, ligand for CD28 and CTLA-4 B7 (now B7-1), BB1 IgSF
CD81 lymphocytes 26 associates with CD19, CD21 to form B cell coreceptor Target of AntiProliferative Antibody (TAPA-1) Transmembrane 4 superfamily
CD82 leukocytes 50-53 unknown R2 Transmembrane 4 superfamily
CD83 Activated B cells, activated T cells, circulating dendritic cells (veil cells) 43   HB15 IgSF
CDw84 monocytes, platelets, circulating B cells 73   GR6  
CD85 monocytes, circulating B cells 120, 83   GR4  
CD86 monocytes, activated B cells, dendritic cells 80 Ligand for CD28 and CTLA4 B7.2 IgSF
CD87 granulocytes, monocytes, macrophages, T cells, NK cells, wide variety of nonhematopioetic cell types 35-59 Receptor for urokinase plasminogen activator uPAR Ly-6 superfamily
CD88 polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages, mast cells 43 Receptor for complement component C5a C5aR G protein complement receptor
CD89 monocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, neutrophils, B cell subsets, T cell subsets 50-70 IgA receptor FcaR IgSF
CD90 CD34+ prothymocytes (human) thymocytes, T cells (mouse) 18 unknown Thy-1 IgSF
CD91 monocytes, many nonhematopoietic cells 515, 85 dimer a2 macroglobulin receptor   EGF, LDL receptor superfamily
CDw92 neutrophils, monocytes, platelets, endothelium 70   GR9  
CD93 neutrophils, monocytes, endothelium 120   GR11  
CD94 T cell subsets, NK cells 43   KP43  
CD95 wide variety of cell lines in vivodistribution uncertain 43 binds TNF-like ligand, induces apoptosis Apo-1, Fas NGF receptor superfamily
CD96 activated T cells, NK cells 160   T cell ACTivation Increased Late Expression (TACTILE) IgSF
CD97 activated B and T cells, monocytes, granulocytes 75-85 Binds CD55 GR1 EGF, G protein complement receptor
CD98 T cells, B cells, NK cells, granulocytes, all human cell lines 80, 45 heterodimer may be amino acid transporter 4F2, FRP-1  
CD99 Peripheral blood lymphocytes, thymocytes 32 unknown MIC2, E2  
CD100 Hematopoietic cells 150 homodimer unknown GR3  
CD101 monocytes, granulocytes, dendritic cells, activated T cells 120 homodimer unknown V7, BPC#4 IgSF
CD102 Resting lymphocytes, monocytes, vascular endothelial cells (strongest) 55-65 binds CD11a/CD18 (LFA-1) but not CD11b/CD18 (Mac-1) ICAM-2 IgSF
CD103 Intraepithelial lymphocytes, 2-6% of peripheral blood lymphocytes 150,25 aE integrin HML-1, a6,aE integrin integrin a
CD104 CD4-CD8- thymocytes, neuronal, epithelial and some endothelial cells, Schwann cells, trophoblasts 220 integrin b4, associates with CD49f, binds laminins b4 integrin integrin b
CD105 Endothelial cells, activated monocytes and macrophages, bone marrow cell subsets 90 homodimer Binds TGFb Endoglin  
CD106 Endothelial cells 100,110 Adhesion Molecule, ligand for VLA-4 VCAM-1 IgSF
CD107a Activated platelets, activated T cells, activated neutrophils, activated endothelium 110 Unknown, is lysosomal protein translocated to the cell surface after activation Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein-1 (LAMP-1)  
CD107b Activated platelets, activated T cells, activated neutrophils, activated endothelium 120 Unknown, is lysosomal protein translocated to the cell surface after activation LAMP-2  
CDw108 Erythrocytes, circulating lymphocytes, lymphoblasts 80 unknown GR2, John-Milton-Hagen blood group antigen  
CD109 Activated T cells, activated platelets, vascular endothelium 170 unknown Platelet activation factor, GR56  
CD110-113 not yet assigned        
CD114 Granulocytes, monocytes 95,139 Granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) receptor G-CSFR  
CD115 monocytes, macrophages 150 Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (M-CSF) receptor M-CSFR, c-fms IgSF, tyrosine kinase
CD116 monocytes, neutrophils,eosinophils, endothelium 70-85 Granulocyte, Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF) receptor a chain GM-CSFRa cytokine receptor superfamily, fibronectin type III superfamily
CD117 hematopoietic progenitors 145 Stem Cell Factor (SCF) receptor c-kit IgSF tyrosine kinase
CD118 Broadly expressed   Interferon a, b receptor IFNa,bR  
CD119 marophages, monocytes, B cells, endothelium 90-100 Interferon g receptor IFNgR  
CD120a hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells, highest on epithelial cells 50-60 TNF receptor, binds both TNFa and TNFb TNFR-I TNF receptor superfamily
CD120b hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells, highest on myeloid cells 75-85 TNF receptor, binds both TNFa and TNFb TNFR-II TNF receptor superfamily
CD121a thymocytes ,T cells 80 type I interleukin 1 receptor, binds IL-1a and IL-1b IL-1R type I IgSF
CDw121b B cells, macrophages, monocytes 60-70 type II interleukin 1 receptor, binds IL-1a and IL-1b IL-1R, ytpe II IgSF
CD122 Natural Killer cells, resting T cell subsets, some B cell lines 75 IL-2 receptor b chain IL-2Rb cytokine receptor superfamily;fibronectin type III superfamily
CD123 Bone marrow stem cells, granulocytes, monocytes, megakaryocytes 70 IL-3 receptor a chain IL-3R cytokine receptor superfamily;fibronectin type III superfamily
CD124 Mature B and T cells, hematopoietic precursor cells 130-150 IL-4 receptor IL-4R cytokine receptor superfamily;fibronectin type III superfamily
CD125 Eosinophils, basophils, activated B cells 55-60 IL-5 receptor IL-5R cytokine receptor superfamily;fibronectin type III superfamily
CD126 Activated B cells and plasma cells, weak on most other leukocytes 80 IL-6 receptor a subunit IL-6R IgSF Cytokine receptor superfamily;fibronectin type III superfamily
CD127 Bone marrow lymphoid precursors, pro-B cells, mature T cells, monocytes 68-79, possibly forms homodimers IL-7 receptor IL-7R fibronectin type III superfamily
CDw128 Neutrophils, basophils, T cell subsets 58-67 IL-8 receptor IL-8R G protein coupled receptor superfamily
CD129 Not yet assigned        
CD130 Most cell types, strong on activated B cells and plasma cells 130 common subunit of IL-6, IL-11, oncostatin-M (OSM), and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) receptors IL-6Rb, IL-11Rb, OSMRb, LIFRb IgSF;Cytokine receptor superfamily;fibronectin type III superfamily
CDw131 Myeloid progenitors, granulocytes 140 common b subunit of IL-3, IL-5 and GM-CSF receptors IL-3Rb, IL-5Rb, GM-CSFRb cytokine receptor superfamily;fibronectin type III superfamily
CD132 B cells, T cells, NK cells, mast cells and neutrophils 64 IL-2 receptor g chain, common subunit of IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15 receptors   cytokine receptor superfamily
CD134 activated T cells 50 may act as adhesion molecule, costimulator OX40 TNF receptor superfamily
CD135 Multipotential precursors, myelomonocytic and B cell progenitors 130,155 growth factor receptor FLK2, STK-1 tyrosine kinase
CDw136 Monocytes, epithelial cells, central and peripheral nervous system 180 chemotaxis, phagocytosis, cell growth and differentiation MSP-R, RON tyrosine kinase
CDw137 T and B lymphocytes, monocytes, some epithelial cells   costimulator of T cell proliferation ILA (Induced by Lymphocyte Activation), 4-1BB TNF receptor superfamily
CD138 B cells   heparan sulphate proteoglycan, binds collagen type I Syndecan-1  
CD139 B cells 209,228 unknown    
CD140a,b Stromal and some endothelial cells Dimer。A: 180;b: 180 Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor alpha and beta chains PDGFR  
CD141 Vascular endothelial cells, 105 Anticoagulant, binds thrombin, the complex then activating protein C Thrombomodulin, Fetomodulin C-type lectin;EGF
CD142 Epidemal keratinocytes, various epithelial cells, astrocytes, Schwann cells. Absent from cells in direct contact with plasma unless induced by inflammatory mediators 45-47 Major initiating factor of clotting. Binds Factor VIIa ; this complex activates Factors VII, IX and X Tissue Factor, thromboplastin fibronectin type III superfamily
CD143 Endothelial cells, except large blood vessels and kidney, epithelial cells of brush borders of kidney and small intestine, neuronal cells, activated macrophages and some T cells. Soluble form in plasma. 170-180 Zn2+ metallopeptidase, dipeptidyl pedtidase, cleaves angiotensin I and bradykinin from precursor forms Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)  
CD144 Endothelial cells 135 Adhesion molecule, organises adherens junctions between endothelial cells VE-cadherin cadherin
CD145 Epithelial and some stromal cells 25,90,110 Unknown    
CD146 Endothelium 130 potential adhesion molecule, localised at cell cell junctions MCAM, MUC18,S-ENDO IgSF
CD147 leukocytes, red blood cells, platelets, endothelial cells 55-65 potential adhesion molecule M6, neurothelin, EMMPRIN, basigin, OX-47 IgSF
CD148 granulocytes, monocytes, dendritic cells, T cells, fibroblasts, nerve cells 240-260 contact inhibition of cell growth HPTPh fibronectin type III superfamily;protein tyrosine phosphatase
CD151 platelets, megakaryocytes, epithelial cells, endothelial cells 32 associates with b1 integrins PETA-3, SFA-1 Transmembrane 4 superfamily
CD152 Activated T cells 33 Ligand for B7.1 (CD80), B7.2 (CD86); negative regulatior of T cell activation CTLA4 IgSF
CD153 Activated T cells, activated macrophages, neutrophils, B cells 38-40 Ligand for CD30, may costimulate T cells CD30L TNF superfamily
CD154 Activated CD4 T cells 28,30.,33 Ligand for CD40, inducer of B cell proliferation and activation CD40L, TRAP, T-BAM, gp39 TNF receptor family
CD155 Monocytes, macrophages, thymocytes, CNS neurons 80-90 normal function unknown; receptor for poliovirus Poliovirus receptor IgSF
CD156 neutrophils, monocytes 69 unknown, may be involved in leukocyte extravasation MS2, ADAM 8 (A Disintegrin and Metalloprotease)  
CD157 Granulocytes, monocytes, bone marrow stromal cells, vascular endothelial cells, follicular dendritic cells 42-45 (50 on monocytes) ADP-ribosyl cyclase, cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase BST-1  
CD158a NK cell subsets 50 or 58 Inhibits NK cell cytotoxicity on binding MHC class I molecules p50.1, p58.1 IgSF
CD158b NK cell subsets 50 or 58 Inhibits NK cell cytotoxixity on binding HLA-Cw3 and related alleles p50.2, p58.2 IgSF
CD161 NK cells, T cells 44 Regulates NK cytotoxicity NKRP1 C type lectin
CD163 monocytes, macrophages 130 unknown M130  
CD166 Activated T cells, thymic epithelium, fibroblasts,neurons,. 100-105 ligand for CD6, involved in neurite extension ALCAM, BEN, DM-GRASP, SC-1 IgSF



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