最后一张病人的图,在主峰旁边有一个若有若无的小峰,(这张图被放大了好几倍)。当时就感觉这个小PEAK很可疑,因为背景很干净,几乎没有非特异性染色。然后就报了个疑似DNA 指数1.3. 过了几天cytogenetic的结果出来了,证实了这个病人染色体21多了一条copy。 下面是cytogenetic的报告,供大家参考一下:
Abnormal FISH results:
FISH studies using the Vysis ETV6 (12p13-labelled green)/RUNX1 (21q-labelled orange) probe set showed an abnormal signal pattern of one small orange, one large green and two fusion signals in 147/200 (73.5%) interphase cells examined. This result is consistent with the presence of cells with t(12;21) (p13;q22) and an extra copy of the derivative chromosome 21 from a 12:21 translocation.
DNA 指数在儿童B-ALL预后评估和risks tratification有重要意义:
如果DNA INDEX < 1.16, 预后较好,如果>1.16,预后较差