最近课题做了一个小分子化合物,基本可以使悬浮的肿瘤细胞抑制在G2/M期,于是我想再进一步检测一下细胞是具体抑制在G2期还是M期的。查阅了文献以后,查到一篇文章:Loss of KLF14 triggers centrosome amplification and tumorigenesis Fan, G.; Sun, L.; Shan, P. (...) Nature Communications, 2015, 6(1) ,里面可以用光辉霉素染M期细胞的,具体图是这样的,上面的染色步骤是这样的For analysis with mithramycin staining, an aliquot of 26106 cells was incubated with 2 ml of 0.1% nonidet P-40 in PBS for 5 min, followed by fixation with the addition of 0.7 ml of 4% formaldehyde in PBS and gentle shaking of the cells at 4℃ for 15 min. DNA was stained with 20 mg/ml mithramycin A。可以我按照上面操作以后,发现,细胞只要一加入0.1%的NP40中,就成团,变得很黏,不管怎么弹都没用~~~~~~而且是一加进去就成这样,后面试了各种方法,包括将NP40浓度降到0.01%,减少破膜时间等等,都不行,崩溃,求高人指点。