发表于 2022-3-19 11:04:31
这篇文献:Velloso F J, Kumari E, Buono K D, Frondelli M J and Levison S W 2021 Analyzing mouse neural stem cell and progenitor cell proliferation using EdU incorporation and multicolor flow cytometry STAR Protoc 3 101065
如果要分析终末神经元,好像看到最多的是neuronal-specific transcription factor (NeuN):
Kimble A L, Silva J, Omar O M, Murphy M, Hensel J A, Nicholas S-A E, Jellison E R, Reese B and Murphy P A 2022 A method for rapid flow-cytometric isolation of endothelial nuclei and RNA from archived frozen brain tissue Lab Invest 102 204–11