楼主 |
发表于 2016-7-28 11:38:59
老师:有用染料 SYTOX-Green或者SYBRgreenⅠ( SYBR)方法直接染色有细胞壁的藻类,怎么解释呢?是两种染料能直接通过细胞壁而检测细胞膜的通透性来检测细胞的死亡情况吗?那么这样一来不就有无细胞壁无所谓了吗?就不用除去细胞壁了吗?
文章:Flow cytometric analysis of phytoplankton viability following viral infection
Two flow cytometric assays using physiological probes were used on the phytoplankton species Phaeocystis pouchetii and Micromonas pusilla to examine the assays' utility in detecting viral infections. Dead cells were detected using the membrane impermeant nucleic-acid dye SYTOX-Green, which stains algal cells that have lost their membrane integrity. Live cells were detected using the membrane permeant dye Calcein-AM, which is hydrolyzed by intracellular esterases into a green fluorescent charged form. We found that both assays are easy to use, are reproducible and can indeed be used as markers of the viability of individual phytoplankton cells following infection by viruses. Cell death rates up to 0.8 d |